Dr. Glen House promotes low-carb diets for those with spinal cord injuries
How are doctors using low-carb diets to help their unique patient populations? Meet Dr. Glen House, medical director of the Capron Neuro and Trauma Rehabilitation Center in
Dr. House is a C7 tetraplegia with limited finger dexterity who cannot perform intermittent self-catheterization with the current products on the market. Dr. House is also a practicing physician, with many patients who share his limitation and frustration. The design of the PerfIC Cath Hybrid™ was the result of over 10 years of research and development, along with an enormous amount of user feedback from patients and friends about what they most needed in a product we all depend on daily.
If you have a spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, stroke, spina bifida, or other conditions that require you to catheterize, please contact us for what we feel is the best catheter in existence. If you have limited dexterity that makes catheterization difficult or impossible, we think we have created the perfect catheter to help you.
It was a miracle Dr. House survived his fall at all. It was the last run, close to the 4 pm closing time. He and his buddy chose to do a closed, back-area run. A sign said: “Warning. Cliffs.”
“But being 20, and an extreme skier, that was attractive,” he says.
The head-first fall into a rocky outcrop, fortunately, did not give him a brain injury — the force was all absorbed by his neck. But it did tear off his scalp.
Lying immobile on the slope, bleeding out, rapidly becoming hypothermic, he urged his friend to leave him to go get help.
“He said ‘No, I am not leaving you.’ And he just stayed there and yelled. He took off all his clothing to keep me warm. If he had left me I never would have made it.”
Fortunately, a ski patrol, doing a final sweep, heard the yelling. Dr. House was airlifted by helicopter off the mountain to a local hospital where ER docs stapled back his scalp and stabilized him. He then spent three months in a Utah rehab facility.
“The injury was devastating, obviously, but I was really influenced in rehab by a speech by Lou Holtz [the famous coach of the Notre Dames football team] where he talked about his W.I.N philosophy — What’s Important Now? And I realized what’s important now is rehab. I just turned it on and was like ‘Let’s go! What do I gotta do?’,” Dr. House explains.
With his hand dexterity gone, his plan to go to dental school was too. That’s when he decided to become a doctor. He studied for his MCATs in between therapy sessions at the rehab center.
“I was really fortunate,” Dr. House says. “I had strong support from family, friends, and faith. I had something I wanted that I could focus on. I was in this stage of life where I could pivot and change.”
He decided to specialize in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. His spinal cord medicine fellowship took him to the renowned New Jersey Kessler Rehabilitation Institute, where he trained under Dr. Steven Kirshblum, who treated actor Christopher Reeve after his SCI. “That year at Kessler, was one of the best years of my life.”
Today, Dr. House is not only a doctor on the frontlines, helping newly injured trauma patients every day, but he is also an inventor and successful business owner, who founded Adapta Medical. He designed and patented a line of custom catheters for those with SCI and limited dexterity, a product which he now manufactures.
Story courtesy of Diet Doctor
How are doctors using low-carb diets to help their unique patient populations? Meet Dr. Glen House, medical director of the Capron Neuro and Trauma Rehabilitation Center in
Dr. J. Glen House is a doctor unlike any other. The first person with a spinal cord injury to graduate with a medical degree from
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — As a doctor, an inventor and an athlete, a Colorado Springs quadriplegic is inspiring countless others. Dr. Glen House is classified as